Historische Collectie Korps Veldartillerie

The Historical Collection of the Field Artillery Corps, also known as “the Artillery Museum”, provides a striking picture of the history of the Arms of the Artillery and in particular that of the Field Artillery Corps (KVA). The KVA has been designated by Royal Decree to continue to commemorate the founding date of the Corps Artillerije (the oldest corps of the Royal Netherlands Army, founded in 1677).

This is reflected in the exhibition showing all forms of artillery.

In addition to the history of our own Field Artillery Corps, there are references to the corps and regiments of the fortress, the armored fort and the coastal artillery, the torpedists and the artillery of the KNIL, the horse artillery, the antiaircraft artillery, the motor artillery, the anti-tank artillery and the Artillery measuring services.

The exhibition is housed in different pavilions. They are beautiful national monuments (late 19th century), located in a park in English landscape style on the 60 meter high ‘Knobbel’. Here you have a magnificent view over the heath landscape of the Noord-Veluwe.


  • the development of artillery technology;
  • examples of artillery and ammunition through the ages;
  • Artillery units and their operational deployment;
  • Artillery equipment, including beautiful uniforms;
  • specific themes from the history of the Dutch Artillery;
  • beautiful dioramas that paint a picture of historical situations.

Historische Collectie Korps Veldartillerie
Legerplaats bij Oldebroek
Eperweg 149
8084 HE  ‘t Harde
the Netherlands

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