Kalamunda History Village

Silicone museum figures at Kalamunda History Village, Western Australia

Kalamunda History Village
Kalamunda is situated approximately 25km inland from Perth, Western Australia in the Darling Ranges. The district evolved from the timber and orchard industries and became a popular holiday venue for the people of Perth and Fremantle. The name Kalamunda derives from the Aboriginal ‘Cala’, meaning bush, and ‘Munnda’, meaning hearth.

The Kalamunda and Districts Historical Society
The Kalamunda and Districts Historical Society manages the largest folk museum in Western Australia, depicting the unique hills life and industries centred around the development of the Kalamunda area. The Kalamunda History Village and Stirk Cottage are situated in pleasant surroundings close to the centre of the Kalamunda town site.

Kalamunda History Village
Western Australia

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